Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Open Letter to Trump and Second Thought: Deportation

Immigrant Status (An Open Letter to the President) Dear Mr. Trump, I do not address you properly, I am aware. The title, Dear Mr. President, and the title, The Honorable POTUS, just do not fit with your name. I apologize at the outset, but I do not believe you care one way or the other. It seems that those of us who do not belong among your followers, although they be a significant majority of the American people, also do not belong to your idea of what America is and how She feels about you. Even when an office deserves respect, its occupant still has to earn it; in my eyes, you have not. I am an immigtant. I came to America when I was two tears old, carried through Ellis Island by my father. I became an American citizen when I was seven, automatically, when my mother became an American citizen. I did not take any tests, I did not take a loyalty oath, I did not pledge to go to war against my homeland if ever the occasion arouse wherein the United States would find itself at war with the Netherlands. I grew up a liberal, evolved into a bleeding heart liberal. I belong to no organized religion. I am a pacifist. Although I am of good Aryan stock, as some might say, I still began my life as a foreigner, an immigrant. Like Arnold Schwarzenneger. Like Henry Kissinger. Like Jospeh Pulitzer, Rupert Murdoch, Madeline Albright, To this day I feel something of an outsider looking in at and, as James Baldwin might say, loving and therefore feeling free to criticize America. I fear for her. I fear you. Given the above, when exactly will you deport me? A Second Thought about Deportation I wonder... I wonder if Donald Trump could even pass a citizenship test. I wonder if such a test should be a requirement of anybody runing for the office of POTUS. I wonder if such a test should be a requirement for anyone running for public office. I wonder, if Trump failed, should he be deported? I wonder, would anyone else have him?

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