Thursday, October 1, 2020
Good News For A Change: I Wrote A Book Not About Trump!
In difficult times, it is sometimes hard to find nice things about which to write. Therefore, I made something nice all by myself (with the help of all kinds of friends and family and figures from the arts). I wrote a book. I call it Infrequent Flier, and it is now available to the world!
So, here is the description:
Travel with me through space and time at the speed of sound. Sounds fast, isn't, really. Plenty of time to think about all kinds of stuff. Welcome aboard my spaceship, such as it is. Yes, it's smaller on the outside. The inside is infinite and filled with stories. Part memoir, part travelogue, part history, part cultural commentary, part art appreciation, all fun! There is more to art than what you know, or like, and more to any of us than meets the eye. The destination is fun but the adventure lies in the journey.
From Mahler to Metallica, from Montana to Maastricht, from Shostakovich to Scheveningen, from van Gogh to Vonnegut, from Sir Winston to Doctor Who—join me on a trek across space, time, history and art. These are reflections and true stories (and some made up tales for spice) from what I know.
Includes: “In Defense of Harry Potter,” “Ambush,” “42,” “Liberty Park,” “I Had to Be Fifty, “ “Timey Whimey,” “Best Westerns,” “The Naked Lady,” and dozens more.
Explore with me, casually but honestly, a museum here, a battleground there, a song in the back of your mind, a film you cannot forget, the story of a hero or two, portraits of places that ring with poetry, and perfect days in abundance—all considered on long flights seven miles high.
A perfect companion for the bathroom, the airplane, and the airplane bathroom!
In the penultimate chapter of this book, I define a perfect day: “You have to be open to adventure and you have to be generous in how you define what an adventure is.” My own perfect days are filled with conversations shared with good friends. From art museums to symphony halls to breweries to mountain tops, I offer an adventure of a lifetime spent wasting hours on all the right things. This book is a conversation. One-sided, I admit. I talk, you listen—but feel free to jump in at any time.
511 pages. Available in paperback for $20, or on your Kindle for just $8.99. Please support a starving artist! Well, I am not exactly starving. In fact, I need to go on a diet. But that's another story.
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