Thursday, January 28, 2010

Opera in Monterey

Der Rosenkavalier was wonderful, perhaps the best performance of the Strauss opera ever! On the large screen, in very comfortable seats with a perfect view, we sat and enjoyed a dantastic evening.

The broadcast began at 6:30. We got there at 5:45 and the theater was already half full! Our friend Amanda looked around -- she is in her early 40's (I think) -- and leaned into me. She said, "I think we're the youngest people here."

I smiled. "Speak for yourself, girl," I said. Grey hair everywhere. "These are MY people!"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Quick Blog


Work is a four letter word that ends in K.

Multitasking is a four letter word with attitude.

Confusion is just a four letter word.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Night At The Opera

Diane and I are going to see a live simulcast of the New York opera's performance of Richard Strauss's "Der Rosenkavallier." It happens to be her all time favorite and I love the music though I have bever seen the opera performed. It will be shown on the large screen at Del Monte Cinema in Monterey. Cost, $22.

Basically we will be watching the tekeprompter that you would have as a small acreen at the Opera House. But we will miss out on the wonders of Opera House seating. With stadium seating at the theater, I will not experience the cramped, tight, no room to wriggle stiff seats. With the large screen close ups on the performers I won't need my 10x field hlasses to see their fascial expressions. I will be so comfortable I might fall asleep -- so I intend to bring with me a huge pillar to sit behond so I have to maneuver around it to see, which ought to keep me going.

I don't want to miss the sublime last trio that ends the opera, possibly the best and most beautiful thirteen minutes ever written for voice.

Sunday, January 3, 2010



Here's hoping that 2010 will be better for all. 2009 wasn't a BAD year. In many respects it was joyous. In others it was downright awful. I plan to remember the awful in passing and celebrate the joy. I also plan to make 2010 more joyous yet!

Much to do, much to do!

Anyway, more stories and poems and opinions will come soon enough. For now just hug someone you love (hugging yourself is perfectly fine) and remember that I am here, feeling sort of hood today, and smiling at you!