Saturday, October 14, 2017

Fire and Brimstone: The Judgment of God

A Passing Thought (10-10-17) On Fire and Brimstone I have heard people like “Judge” Roy Moore declare that the afflictions hitting America are the direct consequence of the changing values in our country. Pistol-packing Moore won his Party's nomination to run for Senator. Meanwhile, Bob Corker, who said at the outset of his first campaign for the seat that he would serve two terms only and is true to his word, gets criticized for honest opinion as being disloyal. To whom? Certainly not his own conscience, or the people of America. At the same time, the entire NFL falls under attack from the POTUS. Trump objects to those players who exercise free speech in a peaceful and respectful way, genuflecting toward the flag as if to pray for a better America, while the reason for their protest is ignored or minimized by the West Wing. The Trump Reality TV Show continually calls attention to itself with ever more outrageous comments and actions, continually pushing the envelope to see how far they can go. Trump once said he could kill a man in broad daylight on a city street and not lose a vote. Not to put too fine a point on it, I have to ask my religious friends: The fires, the floods, the hurricanes, the mass shootings, the threat of thermonuclear war-----could these be God's punishment for us permitting Donald Trump to move into the White House?

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