Friday, June 15, 2018

Trying to Hide From a Bug

You can't hide anything from little children. They have marvelous hearing and acute eyesight and an insatiable need to know exactly what you are doing and, hopefully, why. I snuck home a purchase of my favorite flavor potato chips, salt and vinegar, and was putting them away in the cupboard for later snacking. CharleeRose, my soon to be four-year-old granddaughter, yelled, “Pringles! Opa, can I have some?” I pulled out the barbeque flavor chips that had her name on them but she said, “I want those.” Her mamma said, “Salt and vinegar? That's my favorite.” “Mine too,” I said. Then I told Charlee, “You might not like them, Bug.” Bug, short for my little Ladybug. “They're sharp. Try one. It's okay if you don't.” She grabbed the offered chip. She took an aggressive bite. Paused. Crunched it up in her mouth. Considered. Swallowed. Took another bite. Grabbed the tube of chips and ran off down the hall. I never saw those chips again.

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