Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Biden for President

The Republican members of Congress are so in love with having power that they have forgotten why most of them sought that power in the first place. They have lost sight of Republican values. Their moral compass is broken into a million pieces. They march in goose step behind their leader, while the Donald struts like Mussolini and spews hate like Hitler. But if they intend to keep following his lead, they had better be certain of where he plans to go. It has been a bumpy ride so far. It has been unnecessarily rough, like shooting down rapids through a canyon so sheer you can't climb to safety on either side. We need calm seas. We need a navigator who knows how to chart a course. I wish Joe Biden were more of a statesman. I wish he were a charismatic leader. But maybe what we need is a calming presence to guide us forward after the chaos of four years with Donald Trump at the helm. Maybe we need an Opa in the White House. Therefore, I must support former Vice-President Biden. I have been given a clear choice. I hope he is the good guy his image projects. Time will tell. He certainly can do no worse. At this point, by comparison with #45, even Sarah Palin looks positively presidential.

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