Friday, September 4, 2020

Mail-in in Montana

Montana is white. The percentage of people in the state who are cataloged as white-non-Histpanic is over 85%. It is no surprise that the state went for Trump in a big way in 2016. It is a surprise that Trump is now suing Montana to stop mail-in balloting, turning heavily pro-Trump Montana into a testing ground for his assertion, with no proof, that mail-in voting is a guarantee of voter fraud. But then, Trump likes to set up excuses in case he loses. Sorry, that should read, in the unlikely event that he might lose, which in his mind would necessarily have to be a cheat by the other side. But Montana? Really? Montana voted 2 to 1 for him last time. You would think he would be safe here, of all places. Then again, Montanans have elected democrats to both the governorship and the senate, and Steve Bullock, serving out his final term as governor, has a good chance of putting another democrat in the Senate in November. Bullock is one of the people named in the lawsuit. The other is Secretary of State Corey Stapleton, who is a Republican. All these state officials did was allow each county in Montana to choose whether to go all mail-in or maintain business as usual. Flathead County, where I live, opted against all mail-in, although absentee and early voting would be encouraged. What are the President and the Republican National Committee afraid of? Maybe Trump thinks that he can challenge Montana and not lose a vote. He forgets, or maybe he fears, that Montanans are notoriously independent and wickedly smart. The day after the lawsuit was announced, Flathead County changed its stance and signed on for all mail-in voting, further assuring the voters that there will be plenty of safe locations to drop off their ballots should they choose to do so. Voting at the polling place is still an option, no longer the preferred way. I told you Montanans were smart. Vote!

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