Monday, August 16, 2010

Nice Things Happen Even At Work

Sometimes nice things happen on the job.

I came back into the office after completing my rounds on Thursday to be greeted by my supervisor. "Mr. Blokker!"

I'm used to being addressed so formally at work. It's part respect, and part kidding, since I am now one of the oldest postal carriers in our office. But, still, when someone in authority practically shouts my name, I begin to wonder what I did wrong. Trying to be cool, I said, "Hi, Glen."

Glen raised his voice even louder, firmly saying, "Everyone here! Listen up! Mr. Blokker got a compliment from a customer that's been posted on the USPS national web page!"

One of my fellow carriers asked him what it said. Glen explained, "The customer says she has never before had such consistent, accurate and friendly service."

It happened that several supervisors were in the office at the moment. Each one congratulated me in turn. Then I went back to checking in so I could go home. I was thinking that you always hear it when you do badly and it's good to hear when you've done well.

Another carrier congratulated me and asked, "What did you do?"

I smiled and said, "My job."

1 comment:

  1. Never knew my cousin could write that way. Lovely, I enjoyed it.

    Love from The Flying Dutch Cousin,
